I offer translation services from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English in different areas and with different computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, which speeds up and simplifies the process. I create translation memories so that consistency is maintained across all client’s projects.
I edit the translated documents sent by the client. In addition, I have the ability to give feedback, so that the translator benefits from it - feedback is as important as the project!
If you already have your project translated and edited, but you want someone to check extra-linguistic issues, such as formatting and compliance with the end client’s requirements, I can help you! I take care of a final reading of the project, checking that the formatting is as close as possible to the original and corroborating that the client’s expectations have been met.
Machine translation is generated by automated online translation systems. As machines do not have the capacity to maintain the essence of what is being communicated, I intervene to adapt the text and improve its quality.
I adapt the text from one language to another by applying creative and engaging strategies to maintain the context, the initiative and the goal of the message.
Thanks! The translation is very clear and I didn't find any accuracy-related issues, so kudos to you!
Chicos, por si me olvido con la entrega, todavía no terminé obviamente pero quiero felicitar a Belu. La tradu es muy técnica y la redacción un desastre, faltan espacios, muchas abreviaturas, etc. Se nota que le dedicaste mucho tiempo, Belu! Gracias porque eso nos facilita muchísimo el trabajo a los correctores! Beso
¡Hola, Belu! ¿Todo bien? Te dejo el change report y la checklist de la revisora. Te lo subo a Output Files porque el job ya está finalizado. Te vas a poner contenta cuando lo veas. ¡Felicitaciones! Y mil gracias por el compromiso con el que trabajás siempre.
Infinitas gracias, Belu!
Trabajo brillante! Se nota todo lo que investigaste! Te felicito!
Un placer recibir Jobs así!
¡Muchísimas gracias por toda tu ayuda, Belu! Un placer trabajar con vos. ¡Abrazo!
El placer es nuestro y agradecemos su profesionalismo, seriedad y compromiso en cada proyecto que encaran.